Short Biography of Martha Rose Crow, M.S.
Martha Rose Crow CV and Bibliography (DOC) (PDF)
(Please forward to us any copy of these books you might have in your possession, at the moment most are lost)
Martha Rose Crow was a Feminist, The Marginal, Mystic, Alchemist, Rose Magician, Gnostic, Poet, Lyricist, Musician, Vegetarian, Philosopher, Socialist, Poet and Writer living in the Netherlands. A social economist and cultural scientist, she holds four university degrees in Marketing, Management, Communication and Information Media (master's degree).
(In her own words, taken on OpEdNews website, probaby written around the date of the publication of her first article there on 7 May 2008:)
I am a The Marginal, socialist, feminist, poet, writer and vegetarian. I left America seven years ago because I wasn't going to become a victim of the hidden holocaust ( Industry was downsizing so society was, too.
I earned four university degrees to become one of the legions of workers that industry finds redundant and American society finds as "useless eaters." Born from a lower tier of society, all I ever did was live in the gutter in America!
On August 29, 1999 at 11:20 CST, my husband smothered me with a pillow. He was angry with me because I couldn't get a job when all the newscasts from the Twin Cities kept pronouncing "stories" that there were more jobs than employees to fill them. I and my educated friends couldn't find those jobs. Years later, it turned out to be propaganda to shred social safety nets, force wages down and hide the other dark sides of the "free market."
When I was smothered, I had an "out of body" Spiritual Journey that lasted a long time and it changed me forever.
Martha Rose Crow's Death
Martha Rose Crow just passed away - we need your help on Atlantic Free Press
The Death of Martha Rose Crow on
Martha Rose Crow on (United American Freedom Foundation)
Rest In Peace Martha Rose Crow on No One Has to Die Tomorrow
Martha Rose Crow is dead on Godlike Productions
You can hear the voice of Martha on this interview recorded in Amsterdam:
Radio Interview December 19th 2009 link found on
List of the 100 Martha Rose Crow's Blogs
Theological/ancient collection
MOSE: Mechanics of Spiritual Evil (Martha's main blog)
EPIC: My Dantean Journey is the most important book of Martha Rose Crow and parts of it ended up becoming articles and other essays. Unfortunately no one appears to have a full version of the book. If you have it or have any of the mising chapters, please contact us. Epic was fisrt called Mosaic, then A Divine Comedy and then EPIC: My Dantean Journey. From one version to the other these chapters don't correspond or are radically different, for example we suggest you read chapter five of both Epic and A Divine Comedy. Here are the chapters we have so far:
EPIC: My Dantean Journey:
Chapter One: B-O-B and Reality (DOC) (PDF)
Mosaic - My Testimony of Light and Darkness - Chapter Two: Light and Dark (DOC) (PDF)
Chapter 5: Raining Blood Over The Temple of Set (DOC 1.1 MB) (PDF 1.4 MB)
Chapter 30?: Triple Cross - Triple Cross: Double Crossing the Double Crosser (DOC) (PDF)
A Divine Comedy:
Introduction (DOC) (PDF)
Chapter One: ANARCHIST (DOC) (PDF)
Chapter Three: Plebe (DOC) (PDF)
Chapter Four: Back Into the Fire (DOC) (PDF)
Chapter Five: Psychopath (DOC) (PDF)
MOSAIC: Mechanics of Spiritual Evil (early version):
Essay #1: Introduction (DOC) (PDF)
Essay #2: The Barbie Vampire (DOC) (PDF)
Cover of EPIC done by Judyth Vary Baker (a good friend and writing partner of Martha Rose Crow)
Savage Society: Decoding The Enigma of America's Hidden Culture (the only chapters we could find are 6, 15 and 16, please forward to us the whole book or any chapter you might have):
Chapter 6: Religion, Inc.: The roots of a nation (DOC 664 KB) (PDF 937 KB)
Chapter 15 (early draft): Propaganda, Inc.: Messages that hypnotize, control and kill (DOC 594 KB) (PDF 459 KB)
Chapter 16:
Violence, Inc.: Methods of control by coercion and corruption (DOC 2.3 MB) (PDF 1.5 MB)
Grail of the Hierophant (PDF - 2.3 MB)
These streets below the Moon (PDF - 1.7 MB)
Screenplay - Speedy, Meri & Me: act1, act2, act3, act4, act5, act6, act7, act8, act9, act10, act11, act12, act13, act14, act15, act16 (links on the pages are not always working, it is better to come back to the index and click on the next act from here)
Indian Country Address Book (on (also on
Native American Internet Guide (on
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide by Martha Rose Crow, M.S.
(also on Paranoia Magazine HTML or PDF and
Raining Blood Over the Temple of Set: Chemtrails Are Turning Us Into Cannibals & Human Sacrifice Victims by Martha Rose Crow (also on No One Has To Die Tomorrow)
Who is the real God of the Bible? (and PDF) (on Uncensored Magazine)
Is Barack Obama the New Savior or the Anti-Christ or Just Another Political Puppet? (DOC) (PDF) (unpublished)
Articles on Atlantic Free Press:
-The Orwell Peace Prize
-Baby Boomer Die-Off - There Will Be No Social Security "Crisis"
-Are Vampire Capitalists About to Descend on Crisis Wrought Myanmar? (also DOC and PDF)
Articles on OpEdNews:
-Saving Jackpot Capitalism: The Real Reason Why the Banks Are Being Bailed Out
-Behind Israel's Siege of Gaza: Palestinians Have Oil and Gas
-What Part of !!!NO!!! Doesn't Bush, Paulson and Wal-Street Understand? (also DOC and PDF)
-Are Vampire Capitalists About to Descend on Crisis Wrought Myanmar?
-Search Engines Censor Gaza Article That's Been Published on Over 100 Websites In One Week
Articles on People's Voice:
-Saving Jackpot Capitalism: The Real Reason Why the Banks Are Being Bailed Out
-Imaginary Gold Bullion: How Deep Does the Plunder of the World’s Resources Go? (also on UAFF)
-The Orwell Peace Prize
-Expensive Afghanistan: Million Dollar Soldiers and $400 for a Gallon of Gas
The Orwell Peace Prize (on signs of the time)
In French/en français: Martha Rose Crow : La Réalité (Les Signes des Temps)
A Secret Behind Israel's Siege of Gaza: Palestinians Have Oil and Natural Gas Resources (on No One Has To Die Tomorrow) also on Guess What? Lots Of Oil, Natural Gas In Gaza! also in PDF
Saving Jackpot Capitalism: The Real Reason Why the Banks Are Being Bailed Out (on The Latter Rain)
Expensive Afghanistan: Million Dollar Soldiers and $400 for a Gallon of Gas (on no longer online, but now on Infowars Ireland)
Injunctions Sought to Stop Forced Swine Flu Vaccination Juggernaut (on Educate-Yourself)
1977 (DOC) (PDF) (PNG) (published in Uncensored)
The Occult Significance of September 11th (DOC) (PDF)
Poets for Human Rights
When the bootjacks come for you (Martha's own preferred song) (JPG)
Rose Society Band Plan (DOC) (PDF)
Symbol of Rose Society and Cover of first CD titled Alchemy (15 May 2008) (the project never had the time to come to fruition)
Songs/Poetry 1 (DOC) (PDF)
Check the Forum, the section called Martha's Poems and Songs
Other Links
Palestinian Mothers
Comments on The Debris of History
Two books Martha Rose Crow often recommended (both availalble for free online): Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski (The Study of Evil) and The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley (The Study of Psychopathy on
Flyers (Demons)
Comment on Special Farm: How to stop alien
Comment on Red Dirt Report: Mass grave story explained
Martha Rose Crow Forum
Includes excerpts from e-mails Martha has written that highlight her thoughts, philosophy of life and books.
Visit the page of Martha's close friend and co-author:
Judyth Vary Baker

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