The World's Most Famous Equation
Einstein Documentary
Reports and brainstorms
Photos of Einstein and Physicists
Research from Encyclopaedia
Energy - Faraday - Davy
Mass - Lavoisier
C (Speed of Light) - Galileo - Cassini
- Roemer - Maxwell - Einstein
2 - Newton - Leibniz
- sGravesande - Du Châtelet
E=mc2 Special Relativity
- Riemann, Poincaré, Lorentz, Michelson, FitzGerald
Time Dilation - Lorentz Contraction
- Michelson & M Exp. - Relativistic Effects
Splitting Atoms - Nuclei - Neutrons
- Rutherford, Chadwick, Fermi, Hahn, Meitner, Geiger, Bohr, Strassman,
Curie, Frisch, Schrödinger
Uranium - Fission - Nuclear Weapons
- Heisenberg
Manhattan Project/Atomic Bomb
- Oppenheimer, Lawrence, Oliphant, Segrè, Feynman, von
Neumann, Teller, Bethe, de Hevesy, Wigner
Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Technology requiring E=mc2
- GPS, Satellites, Atomic Clocks, Nuclear Energy
E=mc2 reactions on
the sun: Cecilia Payne-Gaboschkin (spectroscopy)
Star Implosion, Creating
the Earth, Big Bang - Fred Hoyle - Paul Dirac
Black Hole formations - Subrahmanyan
General Relativity
- Gravitation - Arthur Eddington
Main Links about Einstein
Selected Websites with descriptions
You can download all the files included here in DOC format (MS
Word) and zipped with Winzip by clicking here:
(written by Roland Michel Tremblay)
(from Encarta and Britannica)
by Roland Michel Tremblay
Main report on 3 different approaches for the documentary including
two Chronologies of Einstein's Life html
or doc
Report on the book by Dennis Overbye
Einstein in Love, A Scientific Romance html
or doc
Brainstorm 1 html
or doc
Brainstorm 2 html
or doc
Letter to Physicists html
or doc
Contacted people and their answers html
or doc
(Updated: 15 July 2003)
by Tez Asfaw
General Background Notes html
or doc
Examples and Analogies for Special Relativity html
or doc
Biographies of the Main Players html
or doc
Fade Up html
or doc
Larson's Cartoon jpg
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of Einstein, his family and other Physicists
Younger in Europe or zip
Older in America or zip
in Princeton, New Jersey or zip
with other personalities or zip
Family or zip
in groups of people or zip
in the Arts or zip
to Einstein - places, machines, Norway, papers or zip
1) Lavoisier,
Eddington, Bohr, Du Châtelet, Fermi, Segre, Lawrence
or zip
2) Rutherford,
Wigner, Hoyle, Galileo, Riemann, de Hevesy, Bethe or zip
3) Lorentz,
Poincaré, Oppenheimer, Chadwick, Maxwell, Cassini or
4) Leibniz,
Meitner, Groves, Briggs, Grossman, Curie, Laue, Euler or zip
5) Faraday,
Roemer, Hahn, Oliphant, Planck, Bohr, Besso, Dirac or zip
6) Heisenberg,
Chandrasekhar, Humphry Davy, sGravesande or zip
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Research from the Encyclopaedia
The documentary will cover the history of the following people
involved with these topics:
• E Energy html
or doc
Michael Faraday html
or doc
Sir Humphry Davy html
or doc
• m Mass html
or doc
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier html
or doc
• c html
or doc
Galileo html
or doc
Jean-Dominique Cassini html
or doc
Ole Roemer html
or doc
James Clerk Maxwell html
or doc
Albert Einstein html
or doc
• 2
Newton html
or doc
Gottfried Leibniz html
or doc
Willem sGravesande
Émilie Du Châtelet html
or doc
• E=mc2 Special Relativity html
or doc
Albert Einstein html
or doc
Mileva Maric Einstein, Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann html
or doc
Michele Besso
Jules Henri Poincaré html
or doc
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz html
or doc
Albert Michelson html
or doc
Edward Williams Morley html
or doc
George Francis FitzGerald html
or doc
• Facts related to Special Relativity that we may need to
Time Dilation html
or doc
Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction, Michelson & Morley Experiment
or doc
Relativistic Effects/Relativistic Mechanics html
or doc
• Atoms, Nuclei, Neutrons html
or doc
Radioactivity html
or doc
Discovery of Fission html
or doc
Ernest Rutherford html
or doc
James Chadwick html
or doc
Enrico Fermi html
or doc
Otto Hahn html
or doc
Lise Meitner html
or doc
Otto Robert Frisch html
or doc
Fritz Strassman html
or doc
Hans Geiger html
or doc
Niels Bohr html
or doc
Erwin Schrödinger html
or doc
Marie Curie html
or doc
• Uranium, Fission, Nuclear Weapons html
or doc
• Germany: The Virus House, Berlin, Leipzig
Werner Heisenberg html
or doc
Robert Döpel
Wilhelm Paschen
Berlin Auer factories
I.G. Farben company/Bayer AG html
or doc
• Norway: Vemork (Norsk Hydro Plant for Heavy Water),
Knut Haukelid
• USA: Manhattan Project/Atomic Bomb html
or doc
Hanford (Washington), Los Alamos, Tennessee factories
Atomic Energy Commission html
or doc
Enrico Fermi html
or doc
J. Robert Oppenheimer html
or doc
Lyman J. Briggs
Mark Oliphant html
or doc
Ernest Lawrence html
or doc
Emilio Segrè html
or doc
Leslie Groves
Richard Feynman html
or doc
John von Neumann html
or doc
Edward Teller html
or doc
Hans Albrecht Bethe html
or doc
Niels Bohr html
or doc
George de Hevesy (Georg von Hevesy) html
or doc
Eugene Wigner html
or doc
• Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki html
or doc
(Surrender of Japan, were the bombs necessary, the effects of
the bombs)
• Technology requiring E=mc2
Traditional TV Sets
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) html
or doc
(no mention to relativity)
Applications of Relativity in GPS html
or doc
GPS depends on satellites that use Atomic Clocks
html or doc
Computer chips
Key aspects of the modern pharmaceutical and bioengineering industry
Medical diagnostics
Radiation treatment for cancer therapy
All the Internet switching devices
Smoke detectors
Emergency exit signs
Nuclear submarine
Nuclear energy plants html
or doc
Carbon 14
• E=mc2 reactions on the sun:
Cecilia Payne-Gaboschkin (spectroscopy, hydrogen on the sun)
or doc
• Star Implosion, Creating the Earth, Big Bang
Fred Hoyle html
or doc
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac html
or doc
• Black Hole formations html
or doc
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar html
or doc
• General Relativity html
or doc
Gravitation html
or doc
Albert Einstein html
or doc
Erwin Freundlich
Marcel Grossman
Arthur Stanley Eddington html
or doc
Maja, Elsa and Margot Einstein
• Einstein achievements and celebrity, E=mc2
being the most famous equation in the world even though most people
don't really know why or understand what it means
• Related Subjets
Physics html
or doc
Quantum Theory html
or doc
Theory of Everything html
or doc
Unified Field Theory html
or doc
Superstrings Theory and The Standard Model html
or doc
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to the top
Selected Websites
(from the book Einstein by Peter D. Smith)
The website of the Albert Einstein Archive,
part of the Jewish National & University Library, at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. Ze'ev Rosenkranz's book Albert Through
the Looking-Glass: The Personal Papers of Albert Einstein (Jerusalem,
1998) offers a fascinating glimpse of the materials in the Archive,
with many photographs and facsimiles of documents. This excellent
website has biographical information, bibliographical resources
and even a kids' page:
This is the website for Living Reviews in
Relativity, an online journal on the science of relativity produced
by The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert
Einstein Institute), Potsdam
The serious student of Einstein can search and access articles
on many aspects of the science.
Website for the NOVA program Einstein Revealed,
originally broadcast in October 1996. Includes games, articles,
and teachers' notes:
Details of Einstein's life in Princeton:
From this page you can view and download
Einstein's FBI files. Well worth a visit:
Good biographical site with many photographs
set up by the American Institute of Physics:
School of Mathematics and Statistics at the
University of St Andrews, Scotland.
Explains the mathematical context to the science with pages on
many key figures in the story of relativity:
Website of black and white photographs of
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Researcher: Roland Michel Tremblay
Tel. : +44 (0)20 8847 5586
Mobile: +44 (0)794 127 1010
E-mail : roland.t@virgin.net
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