by Roland Michel Tremblay
11 ideas for TV Series
These ideas on the Net: www.themarginal.com/entertainmentshows.htm
Download a doc version: www.themarginal.com/entertainmentshows.doc
General Information on all my Ideas
All the ideas for Entertainment Shows I am presenting here (unless
stated otherwise) could be shown on any main terrestrial channel.
They are all one hour shows and I suggest 13 episodes to start
Idea 1: Virtual Reality
Description: Have you always wanted to live in a certain period
in time or on the set of your favourite show? This programme recreates
an environment to make your wish come true.
How it works: We invite the public to tell us
what and where they always wanted to be. They need to be obsessed
about it, like wanting to live on the Bridge of the «Enterprise
along with a crew dressed in Starfleet uniforms (no need for the
real cast, just actors in uniforms would do), or wishing to have
lived in the 17th century in a book of Jane Austen. Perhaps they
always dreamed of joining a circus, be a policeman or an ambulance
driver. Then we create that environment with sets and actors and
pretend for one day that this is the real thing. Someone might
want to experiment what it is like to go to prison or being executed
on an electric chair. Someone might wish to attend a historic
King’s ball, rob a bank or be a spy infiltrating an organisation.
Someone might even want to walk on the moon or visit another planet
and meet aliens. It would be up to us to make it convincing and
the dreamer to enjoy his or her dream come true.
Idea 2: The Playground
Description: This show studies the world of children and their
reactions in controlled environments. How bad they can be to each
other and is there any hope for them in the future?
How it works: Without recreating a Big Brother
for children, we could get together a team of psychologists working
with children. We can then find out how children usually react
when confronted with certain situations and we could recreate
these circumstances to find out if they react that way. It would
specifically look at how bad they can be, e.g. bullies and the
reactions of the victims. A parallel could be made about how to
correct these behaviours in time, or if to a certain degree they
will continue to exhibit the same patterns when they grow older.
Idea 3: The Prejudice
Description: This show puts weird people in places that are out
of character with what they represent in order to study the reactions
and the prejudices.
How it works: Possibly Drag Queens presenters
could meet with specific persons like a nun and prepare her to
go to a club to see her reaction. It could also be a rock star
in a formal environment, like a normal office perhaps, or an outspoken
lesbian mother with her girlfriend at a parents’ meeting
at a school. We could have a priest distributing condoms and Bibles
in a shopping centre. A strong non-believer in a milieu filled
with believers or perhaps a child suddenly made General Manager
of a certain organisation. Anything that could cause a prejudice
in society. And we could film to see the reactions of the people
and collect after thoughts from everyone once it is over.
Idea 4: Marketing Anarchy or Reversed Psychology
Description: Show that tells you that what is bad for you is also
pleasurable, hence it is good for you. Life without pleasure is
not worth living.
How it works: It will look at what society tells
us is bad and what we should not be doing. Then it turns the table
around and shows you what you would be missing by not doing it
and that perhaps it is not that bad. We can then find people who
make it their life to enjoy what is bad and we can learn all about
why they feel it is not true that it is bad, or at least, not
completely bad.
As extreme topics we could have that smoking is
bad, but how good it is to smoke a cigarette. Eating junk food
must be the worst thing ever that you could do. Well, it is also
very pleasurable, why should you miss out on that pleasure? Infidelity
is often fired upon, but is there something more exciting than
cheating on your partner? Lying is so satisfying when you know
you can get away with it and instantly avoid problems and even
the sack. The list is endless and can even give tips on how to
become bad, and perhaps even use some reverse psychology to show
in the end that perhaps bad things are bad after all and may hurt
people. The show could have a very young and cool look, like what
MTV does these days.
Idea 5: The Mother of Invention
Description: Teams have to identify a problem or an impractical
situation in our day to day life and invent something to make
it better.
How it works: a team has to find a problem, something
impractical that takes too much time or is not working very well.
Then they have to built something or think of something that will
make it better or solve the problem. We could show how they thought
of the idea and what they came up with in order to solve the problem.
Idea 6: The Interview
Description: Amateurs have to spot celebrities or important people
in trouble in the world that do not usually give interviews. They
have to succeed in interviewing them despite the context.
When: It could be every day of the week for 30
minutes or once a week.
How it works: Teams of amateurs are put together
and they have to identify interesting personalities who never
give interviews or will not give interviews about certain subjects
because of the situation they are in. We can film them trying
to find who they want to interview and how they go about confirming
a meeting. Then we can see behind the interview and the final
Idea 7: Behind the Scene
Description: Amateur reporters are invited to visit the shooting
of films or television programmes and make a short Behind the
Scene or Making of documentary.
How it works: Every week amateurs present the
Behind the Scene documentary they did about a crew shooting a
film, a television show or a concert.
Idea 8: The Play
Description: Teams of professional actors and students are given
the same sets, props and costumes and they both have to write
and present an interesting play within a certain amount of time.
How it works: Teams of professional actors go
against theatre students. They are given the same accessories,
sets, props and costumes and they have to write a play and present
it on a stage. A panel of judges critic the plays and choose a
winner every week.
Idea 9: UFO Hunters
Description: Visits to diverse UFO organisations in the UK, listening
to UFO accounts and spending the night out to the best locations
to see if something happens.
How it works: England has more UFO sightings and
more UFO organisations than any country in the world. Some sights
have light displays in the sky most nights of the year. We could
put together an investigation team like the one for the programme
Ghost Hunters and get them to go and meet UFO groups and stay
some nights at the best UFO sites hoping for something to happen.
Idea 10: London Rally
Description: Competition between teams that are given clues to
find an object that has been hidden in London in an area that
is not usually accessible to the public.
How it works: It starts in the studio with all
the teams and a presenter. The teams are told that an object has
been hidden in London, perhaps in an old Underground station,
or the Mayor’s office, and they are given clues as to the
whereabouts. The teams are split into two, the ones who are going
to explore London and the ones in the studio that can search information
and contact the right persons. They have a certain amount of time
to figure where the object is and to contact the right people
in order to reach those inaccessible places. Of course we will
have arranged with the persons responsible for those locations
to allow access, but they need to be contacted first by the teams.
More clues are given as the show goes along and it should be interesting
to see how the teams are trying to access locations that are not
usually accessible. Examples could be that it is hidden where
it is wet (the River Thames) and you need a boat to reach it.
Or Airside at the Airport and the team would need to contact security
in order to have access to the object. A clue could be that it
is outside the country but in London. That gives you the embassies
or consulates of every country. Or perhaps a place of prayer,
then it is a church or a cathedral. Or it is very high in the
London sky. Then it could be a tower or anything that is very
high. The team would have to find the highest points in the city
and investigate once they get more clues. Eventually all the teams
are basically told where it is so they converge together to find
the object.
Idea 11: European Short Film Contest
(This one has been made in French in Québec
(Canada) but it has great potential)
Description: Competition between young aspiring film makers from
every European country that have to produce and direct on their
own short films of 10 minutes that are then judged by a panel
of critics.
When: The show could be every day of the week
for 30 minutes at around 6 pm or 1 hour on the weekend on the
BBC or one hour and a half on a channel with commercials.
How the show works: Young aspiring film makers
are given a small amount of money and the basic equipment to survive
on their own and make one short film a week in the country they
are in. It could be about current affairs, documentaries about
what is going on in that city at the moment, a poetic little movie,
or whatever their imagination could bring.
Then back in the studio a committee of critics
from the movie industry are asked to comment and judge who should
be the winner of this week and the overall winner at the end of
the whole competition. It could be done every year and perhaps
the year after it should be worldwide.
Note: A similar show has been done in Québec
(Canada) many years ago by Radio-Canada (CBC). It was called “La
Course des Amériques” (The Race of Americas) and
then the following year “La Course autour du Monde”
(The Race Around the World).
Roland Michel Tremblay
44E The Grove, Isleworth, Middlesex, London, TW7 4JF, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 8847 5586 Mobile: +44 (0)794 127 1010
Main Contact/Webmaster: Roland Michel Tremblay
Tel. : +44 (0)20 8847 5586 (London, UK)
E-mail : rm@themarginal.com
Site : www.themarginal.com
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