August 2023 Updates
New Age Physics: The New Physics of the Future is finally out. Order it as a paperback or hardcover from any bookstore worldwide
In the US, read the first chapter as an excerpt, or buy it, from Barnes & Noble as paperback, hardcover or Nook eBook
Read the first chapter as a sample, or buy it, from Amazon as paperback, hardcover or Kindle eBook: US, UK, CA, AU, NL, DE, FR
Watch Roland Michel Tremblay Catch Up and Interview (24 December 2022) and Atomic Expansion Theory Full Interview - A Theory of Everything (2 March 2018)
Must-read latest paper (29 August 2023) The first chapter of New Age Physics II:
Physics Breakthrough in Ghosts, UFOs, Ultraterrestrial Technology, and Interdimensional Worlds DOCX, PDF
Download all free chapters from New Age Physics I and II:
Book PDF, Docx PDF, DOCX, Kindle ePub, Kindle Mobi, Apple Books, Nook, Google Play, Kobo, Generic ePub
Or read them as articles on Substack or Medium
(No Paywall - Medium can read them aloud through AI)
Destructivism: The Path to Self-Destruction and Anna Maria: A Paranormal Science Fiction Mystery will soon be available as paperback and hardcover.
For now they can be bought as NOOK and Kindle eBooks on all the Amazon websites:
Destructivism: Barnes & Noble, Amazon US, Amazon UK
Anna Maria: Barnes & Noble, Amazon US, Amazon UK
2019 Updates
For the first time, read Mark McCutcheon's debunk of our entire science:
Debunk of Einstein's Special and General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics
Debunk of Newton’s Gravity and more about General Relativity
Debunk of Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Big Bang
2018 Updates
My new YouTube page with Gerald Clark interviewing me about Atomic Expansion Theory and my new book New Age Physics:
Atomic Expansion Theory Full Interview - A Theory of Everything
First draft of my book which also contains the Summary of Atomic Expansion Theory and all my articles on the subject:
New Age Physics - A Theory of Everything, DOCX, PDF
The most comprehensive and only Summary of Atomic Expansion Theory, including all the articles I have written on the topic:
Atomic Expansion Theory Summary (PDF)
Read on OpEdNews the first major interview with Mark McCutcheon, the author of the book The Final Theory:
The Final Theory of Everything, an in-depth interview with Mark McCutcheon
Literature and Science Fiction
Read the Sci-Fi Novel and potential television series:
The book from which most of my articles published on the Internet and on OpEdNews came from:
Destructivism - The Path to Self-Destruction: HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF
And for some positivism in your life, if you like The Secret of Rhonda Byrne, Esther and Jerry Hicks and the Teachings of Abraham, and other get rich overnight scheme:
Changing Your Future
Just wish it, be convinced and it happens: HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF
Expansion Theory - Our Best Candidate for a Final Theory of Everything?
Dark-Matter, Dark-Energy and the Big-Bang All Finally Resolved
Cosmology in Crisis (excerpt by Mark McCutcheon upon which the article above is based)
Pioneer Anomaly, Slingshot Effect and Gravitational Inconsistencies Explained
Breakthrough in Faster-Than-Light Travel and Communication, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
Gravity Breakthrough: Springing into a Gravitational Revolution
Revolutionary new physics could lead to ultimate weapons of mass destruction
The Final Theory by Mark McCutcheon - Chapter 1 - Investigating Gravity
Call for ghost hunters/paranormal investigators to try new equipment
Instead of energy, could ghosts actually be made
of atoms in molecular structures in gaseous and plasma form?
NEW ARTICLE: Before the Delusion by William Gleeson, a bombshell rewriting 12,000 years of history
Songs of Truth, Book of Songs 2 (poetry)
prc (Kindle),
epub (iBook)
The Anarchist, Dark Poetry translated by Scottish author Sheila MacLeod
Visit also Sheila MacLeod Official Website
Martha Rose Crow and Judyth Vary Baker
Martha Rose Crow
Martha Rose Crow, a good friend of mine, was a Feminist, The Marginal, Mystic, Alchemist, Rose Magician, Gnostic, Poet, Lyricist, Musician, Vegetarian, Philosopher, Socialist, Poet, Writer, Social Economist and Cultural Scientist. She had to flee America to go and live in the Netherlands where she met Judyth Vary Baker. She received many death threaths and was most probably assassinated.
Judyth Vary Baker
Judyth Vary Baker, also a good friend of mine, was once a promising science student who dreamed of finding a cure for cancer, but strayed from a path of mainstream scholarship at the University of Florida to a life of espionage in New Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald, the "so-called" assassin of JFK. She is the missing witness talked about in the film JFK (1991) by Oliver Stone. She had to flee America as well, she received many death threaths and survived many attempts on her life. Now she is writing books about it and organising conferences.
New for 2007-2013

Links to sections on this page:
Roland Michel Tremblay, Author
and Scriptwriter
Script Ideas for Television
and Films
Science Fiction Novel
Science Fiction Helper
- Reports
Theoretical Physics
Proof of UFOs and Wormholes?
Other books I have written in English
My fifth and sixth books have recently been published
in Paris and are proving to be a great success:
Un Québécois à New York
(A French-Canadian in New York)

Un Québécois à
Paris (A French-Canadian in Paris)

or PowerPoint
Curriculum Vitae - HTML
or Doc
French-Canadian born in 1972 in Québec
city now living in London UK since 1995
In the past few years I have been leading two professional lives
in parallel. The first one is in the world of Conferences in Telecoms
and IT where I have been writing and managing major European events.
My second life is the one of an author and technical adviser writing
novels, essays, documentaries, film and television scripts.
Masters Degree in French Literature from the University of
London (Birkbeck College)
I have studied for one year at la Sorbonne in Paris and I have
finished a BA Language and Philosophy at the University of Ottawa
in Canada. I also have a college diploma in Sciences from the
College of Jonquière in Québec.
Author of many books, eight are published in French in Paris by iDLivre and TG publishers
The books are: Eclecticism (Philosophical Essay), Waiting for
Paris (Novel), Denfert-Rochereau (Novel) and The Marginal (Poetry).
They are distributed in France, apparently they are the most popular
of the publishing company and are also distributed in Belgium,
Switzerland, Canada, Africa and Middle-East. My fifth book Un
Québécois à Paris (A French-Canadian in Paris,
Journal-Essay) has recently been published in France and initial
feedback is very encouraging.
Science Consultant/Technical Adviser/Writer for films and TV
More information about this in my bio-biblio
and my CV.

The rights for all these ideas are available. Please contact
me if you are interested, I can quickly write a script if
needed. All these ideas can be adapted for a short or a long feature
film, and the TV series can be adapted for a film. Individual
descriptions (short synopsis) follow the summary. You
can read the long synopsis of these ideas when you click on the
links (they follow the short synopsis). If you are recently
graduated students or your production company does not have much
money, it is possible to film these ideas for free as long as
if it does make any money you do not forget about me. I am a fountain
of ideas, contact me and I will see how I can help you.
Ideas Summary
NEW - Dead
Girl's Song (Film)
NEW - Deja
Vu (Film, full screenplay) Seven Dials
or The Box (Film) The Marginals
or Predestination (Film) NEW
- PK or Psi-Star or Ignorance is Bliss
(Film) NEW - Library
from the Future or Kill that President (Sci-fi Film & Play)
NEW - Utopia
or The Last Post before Utopia (TV Film or Film)
Schizo (Film, 30 minute screenplay)
The Fat Ghost Hunters (Low budget
film) First
Planet (Sci-fi TV Series) The
Virtual Universe (Sci-fi TV Series) The
Relative Universe (Sci-fi Film and Novel) NEW
- The Blonde Bombshell
(Film) Entertainment Shows
(TV Series Ideas) Sci-Fi Reports
(Inspiration and info for writers)
Click here
for a doc version of the 100 word synopsis of each script idea
(what is essentially below) Warning:
they don’t sound right in 100 words, so if you are slightly
interested please click the link and read the short and long synopsis.
Clich here to download all these synopsis in MS
Word (.DOC) format:
or tremblayrmdocs.exe
(auto unzip file)
Girl's Song (Film)
A girl died in a fire with her two brothers in the past and again
in the present. As a ghost she lives a normal life amongst the
living who are unaware of her death. She sees reality as it was
in the past even though she lives in the present. Sometimes she
disappears without warning, she appears out of nowhere and at
times she can be seen in a weird state standing still with her
two brothers. She seems to have an agenda and the people close
to her have visions of her past until they figure out what is
going on and help her find peace.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Vu The Film
Script: HTML
or DOC
or PDF
The Film Synopsis: HTML
or DOC
or PDF
A successful and rich philosophy teacher who is paid to think
and publish by a renowned university is experiencing Déjà
Vu at an alarming rate. He turns all his attention into understanding
the phenomenon but as he thinks some more he gets to uncover something
really wrong with his existence. His Déjà Vu episodes
no longer reflect reality, events and people are changing everyday,
contradicting his previous memories of the events. Understandably
it makes him question not only his sanity but also the normal
flow of time and the reality we have all come to believe in.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Dials or The Box (Film)
Seven Dials is a monument in Covent Garden London
where seven streets meet. Beside is The Box Café where
most of the story happens. Raymond is the anti-hero accomplishing
himself in the universe of alcohol, clubs and theaters. Each morning
Ray is waking up near the monument in front of a different street
to find his world completely different from the previous day.
Since he is bad himself and that his situation is getting better,
he will find it difficult to adapt to these new parallel universes.
Main Summary
- Ideas
The Marginals or Predestination
(Film) Frederique Loren and Frederic
Lorentz are studying human behavior, statistical probabilities,
real predictions of the future. When they meet they realize that
they are a perfect match but don't dare admitting it in order
to not be the victim of this predestination. They wish to be free
of making their own decisions without becoming a casualty of their
theories. This desire to not be a statistic brings them to the
brink of war. After acting like mad people, they finally accept
that they love each other.
Main Summary
- Ideas
or Psi-Star or Ignorance is Bliss (Film)
After a psychokinesis experiment, Virginia
realizes that she is the most psychic woman alive. Though she
is now able to influence the people and the events in her life
to make everything that she wants a reality, she finds it difficult
to cope with the unchallenging life she just inherited. After
using her psychokinesis abilities to reach success, she foresees
her own suicide. Only by abandoning her clairvoyance gift can
she finally appreciate existence.
Main Summary
- Ideas
from the Future or Kill that President
Film or Play (one man show) A woman
has been asked to investigate a strange phenomenon, books from
the future are being shipped into the past for an unknown reason.
While trying to figure the how and why, she will find a book stating
that the next President of the United States will become a kind
of Hitler and she will presume that she needs to prevent his ascension.
Little she knows as doing so and succeeding she helps destroying
the world.
Summary - Ideas
(TV Film like Dinotopia or Film)
The last post before Utopia is the last village before reaching
the mythical world of leisure and technology. This island crowned
with a castle is where the hero fought hard to bring his nation,
a once rich and flourishing civilization now decimated. Trains
bring rightful people to Utopia. Once on the other side things
are not going as planned. Perhaps they were not ready and three
tests are devised. They succeed but decide to go back to their
medieval village as perhaps that was paradise all along.
Summary - Ideas
30 minute script:
or PDF
Thomas uses drugs one night with his girlfriends. When they both
die he is left alone. After a few horrible hallucinations in which
he is haunted by his friends, Thomas is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
He is prescribed drugs that help him control his hallucinations
up to a point where he no longer thinks they are illusions. From
there he becomes obsess with communicating with his friends. His
parents ultimately destroy his findings. Once Thomas dies, his
mother understands and succeeds in communicating with him. But
is she?
Main Summary
- Ideas
Fat Ghost Hunters (low budget) This
film will pretend to be doing a documentary about two very fat
ghost hunters who have created their own investigation organization.
Rupert and Adelaide are very common and have no manner, but they
are portrayed in a very realistic way and they do try to be classy
with their fake British accent. Their son William is very thin,
unimpressed and angry at them for no particular reason. They investigate
three places before Rupert dies. The mother and the son succeed
in communicating with the dead father.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Blonde Bombshell - Film
The Blonde Bombshell is the story of Smyrna Durmus,
a struggling Turkish actress from Izmir living in London. She
is obsessed with a blonde British actress to the point that she
will try to kill her, believing that she is responsible for her
own struggle. Being a dark Turkish girl, how can she ever hope
to make it in a world where only fake blondes without an accent
succeed? She will become a stalker, saying bitter things about
it all, until she decides to kill Erika Precious in order to get
fame out of it.
Ideas for sci-fi
television series (or films)
First Planet
"Our existence is due to a temporal paradox and the destruction
of an entire galaxy. Our future depends on the survival of many
parallel universes.” A civilization living in the year 6451
on a terraformed planet just discovered that they owe their existence
to a temporal paradox. They found an old book from 2006. They
realized that if they don't send a message to that author into
the past, and then go to the past themselves, they will never
exist, leading to the complete extinction of humanity.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Virtual Universe
"There is something quite not right with
the Universe." A computer programmer is writing the perfect
universe for an interactive virtual world. The development of
this game is not easy as the virtual characters are aware of their
existence and should really take the world as a real one. This
is a bit like playing God and creating the perfect universe where
no human will question it and will take it as is. Testers have
to play the game to find out if there is any glitch.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Relative Universe
My Science Fiction novel (see the below
for description) would do a nice sci-fi film.
A group of scientists sends a ship with its crew into the very
small, reaching the very large on the other side of the galaxy.
This is the implications and the applications of some new theoretical
physics theories. What will it change? What can be invented considering
the theories? Travel in time and very far from here. Finding a
nice green planet and discovering that the people there and their
beliefs exist because of our first probe.
Main Summary
- Ideas
Shows - TV Series (Reality Shows)
All the ideas for Entertainment Shows I am presenting here (unless
stated otherwise) could be shown on any main terrestrial channel.
They are all one hour shows and I suggest 13 episodes to start
Main Summary
- Ideas

RELATIVE UNIVERSE (Novel in English)
The new Science Fiction novel based on my theories. Many chapters
are already there.
A group of scientists sends a ship with its crew into the very
small, reaching the very large on the other side of the galaxy.
This is the implications and the applications of the Shrinking
Theory and Universal Relativity. What will it change? What can
be invented considering the theory? Travel in time and very far
from here. I am thinking about changing it into a film script
instead of finishing the novel.

Inspiration for Science Fiction Writers and Advisers
These pages are the result of months
of research for sci-fi television series, documentaries and Hollywood
films. Every time we wanted to do something, for example render
someone invisible, there were many different solutions to choose
from. How do you travel in time? How do you justify it from the
point of view of science? How did other sci-fi shows exploited
the idea? This is what these following reports are trying to answer.
As I am a philosopher researching Theoretical
Physics, I came up with new ideas that do not always go hand in
hand with the actual science. The world of science fiction needs
that, new ideas, new ways of impressing the viewers with a science
that does not always respect Einstein. Surprisingly through this
research I came up with answers that could explain many things
like ghosts and paranormal phenomena. I think the readers will
find these ideas groundbreaking and opening many doors to our
understanding of the universe we live in.
I would be delighted to help you as a Sci-Fi Writer,
a Scientific Consultant, a Technical Adviser, a Story Researcher
or a Development Producer if you are working on a film or a television
series. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you don't understand
something or if you need more insights.
Roland Michel Tremblay, Tel: +44 (0)20 8847 5586
General Comments about various Sci-Fi TV Series
- Actors, writers, twists, action, humor, locations, esthetic
of the sets and props, main and B stories, big tangents, how much
science, magic and paranormal to include in the show, special
effects and special guest stars
Travel - Wormhole, Vortex, Two different times
Magnetic Fields & Electricity
- Getting someone magnetized and moving metallic objects around
Day - Time Loop - Day repeating itself over and
over again - Temporal Causality Loop
- Déjà Vu - Déjà-Vu
phenomenon, Time Loops, Timelines, Clairvoyance, Precognition,
Predicting the future, Changing the future, Seeing the Past, Intuition,
Ghosts and Apparitions
- Ghosts - Unanswered questions about ghosts, how
they get themselves trapped in certain locations, Mediums, Guardian-Angels,
Technology to see ghosts, ghosts in films and inspiration for
- How to render someone invisible, cloaking technology, ghosts
Parallel Universes (this
report was written for a big budget sci-fi film) - Microscopic
wormholes, Einstein-Rosen bridge, black holes, interdimensional
windows, another dimension, Zero-Point energy, antimatter, multiverse,
Many-Worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, relativity and
time dilation
Message from the Future - Technology
to communicate with the past or the future, subspace communications,
tachyon particles, quantum communication, using wormholes or micro-wormholes
From the preface of my novel
The Relative Universe and my main theoretical physics
page called
Universal Relativity, you will find the answers to
these questions and more:
-How you could go faster than the speed of light from a scientific
point of view
-How you could travel to the other end of the universe instantly
-How you could communicate with anyone anywhere in the universe
-Exploiting the weird world of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity
Other Reports:
(please contact me if
you wish to receive the preliminary versions now):
Ice Age - Freezing someone / Genetics - Ageing
quickly and dying like a mayfly - Genetics / More travelling in
time / Infection and disease / and more
Main Summary
- Ideas

Expansion Theory - Our Best Candidate for a Final Theory of Everything?
Shrinking Theory vs. Expansion Theory
New for 2007, an update of my Shrinking Theory in view of the revolutionary new book by Mark McCutcheon called The Final Theory.
Shrinking Theory and Universal Relativity
(Essay in English)
New theory of the Universe. How Einstein's Theory of General Relativity,
Quantum Mechanics and the Superstring Theory can change our view of the Universe. Going faster than the speed of light,
shrinking or expanding instead of covering a distance, the configuration of
the universe being relative to the point of view.
I have added here my
with William Taggart about his related theory called
Time Density Mass (TDM)/Scale Relativity which gives me some equations I was looking
Fiction becoming Science Fact
Wormhole in El Cerro del Pueblo, Mexico?
Here is an event that took place some
months ago in Mexico near Chihuahua and the famous Zone of Silence.
UFOs coming out of a hill that turns out to be one of the most
important deposit of barite, a barium bearing mineral that
exhibits more gravity than any other mineral with no metallic
constituent elements with the exception of uranitite. Could
this be the manifestation of a wormhole, inter-dimensional window
or something science fiction has not yet thought of? The science
that could explain some of this is discussed in the reports:
Travel and
Parallel Universes.
Other Books I have written in English:
NEW FOR 2007-2013
My professional work in TV and Films
(As a Scriptwriter, Development Producer and Science Consultant, including film scripts, synopses, reports and research)
References (comments about my work from producers, directors and writers I worked with), HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF
Here is the latest of my dark poetry and songs:
Some stuff I'm working on right now (2008-2011):
Destructivism Dark Poetry, HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF (2009)
At Another Level, HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF (dark poetry) (2010)
Call the Revolution! HTML, DOC, PDF (2011)
Book of Dreams (my dreams) , HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF
Reading Notes (comments on books I have read), HTML, DOC, LIT, PDF
Shrinking Theory vs Expansion Theory (theoretical physics),
Diary and articles:
- Corporate America, HTML, DOC, PDF, MS
- Letters to Mycroft, HTML, DOC, PDF, MS
- Kiddo, HTML, DOC, PDF, MS
- On a Drunken Night, HTML, DOC, PDF, MS
- Madhouse, HTML, DOC, PDF, MS
- I
survived my first Star Trek Convention (with nice photos)
(And the Star Trek Adventure Expo) London January 2003
- My
talk about French Canadian Literature and my own books
(University of Tulsa, 4th April 2003) (With photos of Oklahoma,
Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Illinois)
- News
from Toronto (A Cabbage Soup Recipe)
- Marginals
of the world united!
Main Contact/Webmaster: Roland Michel Tremblay
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